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Sunday, September 9, 2012

What to do when you are not feeling well?

I have been feeling less than 100% for about a week now.  I have been getting my shorter runs in, but the long ones are just more than I can even think about.

The idea of feeling horrible 10 miles from my house is not something I want to risk.  I guess the solution would be to run shorter loops.  I will try to remember that for next time.

I guess my plan is to just keep my 5-7 mile runs going and get in my 20 mile run when I feel healthy again.  Maybe I will be up for it on Friday?  Time will tell!

Are you good about cutting yourself some slack with your training when you are under the weather or do you push through?


  1. I had swollen lymph nodes and stuffiness all last week. It was tough completing my schedule of runs... I accomplished the mileage but not at the recommended speed. You have to give yourself some slack when you are subpar. A few bad weeks will not result in a horrible race....that is my feeling anyway. Feel better soon!

    1. I am pretty good about taking 2 days off, but 3 days forget about it! I start to feel all around yucky at that point! That right there is some pretty strong motivation!

  2. I have the world's worst time giving myself a break and always have to talk myself out of feeling bad about not running/working out.

    Hoping for rapid healing for you!!!

    1. Thanks Sarah! I have a 5k that I was really planning to attack on Sunday. Hopefully I still can!
