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Monday, September 10, 2012

Waiting on Satellites

Are you always waiting on satellites...letting your GPS watch key in before you start running?

That was me until I decided that I was no longer waiting.  Even if my watch did not remember those first few minutes of every run, my body would.  I could stand there and wait or I could get my run on and run an extra few blocks every run.

So stop standing there staring at your watch and get to it.  When it is ready it can join you on your run.  Run your watch...don't let it run you!


  1. I usually let my watch warm up while I finish getting my shoes one. It usually has satellites by then...

    But I also run without the watch at all... Sometimes the numbers just get in the way of a good run.

    1. I usually only use my watch for mileage. I do occasionally check my pace, but for the most part I run what I feel! But when I see a great pace split it does boost my spirits and encourage me to keep it up!

  2. I also start mine while I am putting on my shoes and then just start running when my shoes are on and consider whatever the watch doesn't record part of my warm up. I usually do a five or so minute warm up and by then the satellites have always loaded. I am with you, I don't wait for the watch to load.

    I also try for about one run a week without my watch on.

    When I do have a really great time going it is super motivating for sure!!!!

    1. I need to be starting it sooner. I like the idea of running without the watch once a week!

  3. I don't have a garmin or any other kind of stopwatch. I don't really time myself. I may eventually get one, but for now, it's about simply getting up and out, not so much about the speed or time.

  4. Ang I really use mine first and foremost to log my miles and map my runs. It is very helpful in that regard. If you really want to know how fast you are going the pace is also great! I was always coming home and trying to map my run online to see how far I had gone. Almost every run I do is a different route or variation thereof so it really helps!
