Racing at runDisney since 2009! Guiding at runDisney since 2016!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My new Wednesday night run

Tonight I dropped both girls off at dance and headed out for a one hour run.  School is back in session and we are working on getting into our new routines.  That includes getting my run schedule organized.

To my surprise I ran into another blogger friend 5 minutes into my run.  We were running an out and back that is just over 3 miles.  So we saw each other a couple of times.  We finished off her run together with a two tiered finish line sprint!  It may become a weekly thing!  It definitely will be for me.  When I have a block of time to run...I and daylight do not matter...I just adjust my gear!

Sorry no pictures tonight folks...just some good hard running!

How are your schedules adjusting to the change of family activities, season, weather, whatnot?


  1. I agree with you...I just run when I can. When I have time, when somebody can watch the kids whatever. I don't care about time of day/weather. I do it when I can. Alot of times I'm up at 5:30 AM doing it!

    1. Once you figure out you patterns, ie. I have an hour every Wednesday evening, the Wednesday evening run becomes instinctive. It is Wednesday night so of course I will be running. Right now I am thinking Mon, Wed, Fri runs during dance classes (1-1.5 hours, 6-9 miles) with a long run on the weekend (marathon training distance). But it only works if I can balance it with the family schedule. Thanks for commenting Shannon!

  2. It is fun how everyone has their own way of squeezing in runs and you know exactly how far you can go to fit it into the time frame allotted! I prefer the evening runs over the early morning ones.

    1. I am totally an evening runner! That being said I tried a 6 pm race once and decided that the only way I can race in the evening is if I don't work all day!

  3. It's always fun when you run (literally!) into a pal. :)

    1. That is why running at Disney is so great! I have such a great group of online runDisney running buddies that when I am down there I am always running into people! Check out my FB athlete page..."for the love of Disney running"!

  4. Hello Erin,
    Just a quick message to ask if you would be interested in a ‘mutual’ following on twitter. I am currently following you now and am awaiting for your follow-back. (#FYI I do RT’s ‘anytime’ for all #Triathletes #Cyclists #UltraRunners & #Marathoners who follow me on Twitter and have something important they want mentioned…)

    All the very best to you and yours for the rest of 2012 and beyond Erin . Look forward to hearing from you…


    1. I am now following you Darin. Thanks for the note.
