Racing at runDisney since 2009! Guiding at runDisney since 2016!

Friday, March 14, 2014

My Glass Slipper Challenge ChEar Weekend

runDisney events are amazing! They are running festivals of fun with friends new and old all wrapped up in Disney! Over the years I have been lucky enough to race Princess Half weekend 3 times, more than any other race weekend. This year I was unable to register due to potential work conflicts, but found myself able to go at the last minute to chEar on my fellow runDisney lovers.

I took the low expense approach and was able to use flight vouchers from previous trips to save on travel costs. Plus I was hoping to earn more vouches on my return flight. (More on that later.) 

After a morning meeting on Friday, which was conveniently located at a hotel near the airport, I hopped on an afternoon flight to WDW! It was already past 9 pm by the time I arrived at the resort. It was strange arriving mid-event! The 5k was already over and most runners we're already in bed getting what sleep they could before the 10k. 

Of course morning came bright and early...well not so bright. We got up and out the door headed to the event transportation buses. The lines were not that bad and we were on our way with ease.  I know what these early morning are like, but I have new found respect for the support crews that come out to cheer for their racers.  There just is not as much adrenaline flowing among those who are cheering vs. racing. 

Since I was not racing my plan was to move around the course chEaring and take photos of other runners having fun! I really like the new 10k course at WDW. It is more of a runners course with longer stretches of open running.  Plus it incorporates the Boardwalk which is one of my favorite places on property. 

After I wished my roommates well and saw them off to their corral I headed to the parking lot to get another perspective on runDisney races. They really are an amazing parade! Watching the event start and the runners stream across the start line was spectacular! 

I chEared as corral A and B runners set out on the course. I tried taking pictures as you all streamed by. Some of them came out, but most did not. It was still so dark and you all were moving! 

After the B corral went by I moved on down the course around the parking lot and out onto the road. It was a very humid morning and there were very few folks out chEaring. I did my best, but you all needed more fans out there!

runDisney has never been about the bling or the stuff for me.  It has always been about the brand's ability to motivate folks to be more active.  Simply put having fun on the run!  After this experience I am contemplating shifting my event participation towards a more formal support roll...possibly working as a coach/trainer/motivator for a charity team.  I love being out there chEaring others on to do great things!  I am still planning to run some of their events as well, but I am going to continue to explore the other aspects of runDisney!

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the morning...with a few more thoughts below.

It was bizarre being at a runDisney race weekend and never getting my picture taken with a character at the event.  At the same time it was very liberating.  On occasion runners did ask me if I would take their picture and I was more than happy too.  I am always asking strangers to take my picture for me while I'm running.  So it was par for the course given that the tables were turned.

You all are an inspiration! I really enjoyed chEaring for you.  Next up is the Princess Half and even more chances to chEar!  Bring on Main Street and "It's the castle!"


  1. My next RunDisney daughter and I are doing the Expedition Everest Challenge...I cannot wait!!!!

    1. I have never done Everest Michelle. Doing runDisney events with family is priceless! I hope you both have so much fun and make wonderful memories!

  2. How great of you to do that Erin :)

    1. Nicole - It was quite the experience! Cheering for the half was even more fun. More on that to come.
