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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Providence - A Runner's Paradise

Tonight I ran through the neighborhoods of Providence and I captured some of the natural beauty that abounds.  It seemed at time as if the city was one large garden and I was allowed to tip toe my way through the splendor in my running shoes.  You all know I love taking pictures.  Well now I am sharing them in a whole new way with the Story app from Disney.

What do you think of the presentation format?

I learned about the Story app while at the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration.  Disney also mailed me a promotional kit about the Story app.

I was invited to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration at the Walt Disney World Resort May 9-12, 2013.  The conference fee permitted me access to special events and experiences made available to conference attendees and their families.  I am voluntarily writing about these events and experiences.  These are my own thoughts, opinions and photographs unless otherwise stated.

1 comment:

  1. Love the story app! Very cool way to present photos! All of the flowers are beautiful!! :)
