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Friday, September 21, 2012

(My) Safety Vest Rules

There is a new fall/winter running season coming! Are you ready for night running? I had an old school panel vest that I just was not happy with.  I have run with it for 3-4 years and than was enough. This past winter I was seeing some reflective vests out there on the road that looked quite a bit better than mine! So I set out to find my next new piece of running gear. I was at REI looking for something else when I remembered my vest. What I found was exactly what I wanted!

My new Amphipod safety strap vest!
It is totally adjustable and I don't even feel it when I am running. The two waist and two shoulder straps are reflective as well and the front and back medallions. I feel confident that everyone out there on the road can see me and that lets me run strong! Tonight's run - 3 miles before sunset and 3 miles after. Get your safety on so you can get your run on!


  1. I have been wearing the old fashioned type of vest, but will definitely look into the one you just bought. There is an REI store near my parents so we will have to make a trip there next time I visit!

  2. If I recall correctly the vest was around $20 which is nothing compared to the number of times I will wear it and my safety!

  3. This is very Useful and good Blog about Safety Vest. Your Blog is Really Good.Thanks for Sharing this Post.
    Safety Vest
